état - Übersetzung nach

état - Übersetzung nach


state of siege         
  • 2020 COVID-19 pandemic]]
  • State of emergency in [[Paris]], November 2015
État de siège (film); Etat de siege (film); L'amerikano; État de siège; State of Siege (film)
حالة حصار
‎ حالَة‎
third estate         
  • Image of the Three Estates under the [[Trinity]] in heaven ([[Tyrol]], 1800)
  • King Charles VII]] at centre.
  • Representation of the Three Estates under the lordship of [[Jesus Christ]].  They are labeled "Tu supplex ora" (you pray), "Tu protege" (you protect), "Tuque labora" (and you work).
  • Satire of the three estates from 1789; the hard-working Third Estate carries the lazy nobility and clergy. The legend reads "Hopefully, this game will be over soon," prefiguring the [[French Revolution]].
Third Estate; Third estate; Tiers état; The three estates; First Estate; Second Estate; Tiers Etat; Estates of the Realm; Provincial estates; Tiers État; Second État; Premier État; Estate of the realm; Three Estates; Estates of Pomerania; First estate; Provincial diet; The three orders; Estate (social); Second Etat; Tiers etat; Premier Etat; Landesversammlung; Three Estates of the Realm; Thre estaits; Second estate; Three estates; The third estate; The First Estate; Provincal estate; 2nd Estate; 3rd Estate; 1st Estate; 3 estates; Estate of the Realm
العامة ، عامة الشعب


state of siege
A state of siege is a situation in which a government or other authority puts restrictions on the movement of people into or out of a country, town, or building.
Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.



Etat (pl. etater) is a Norwegian state, county or municipal agency. An etat is a subdivision of the administration which has been given responsibility for a special area. An agency does not have a board of directors, but it does have a director, appointed by the subordinate organization. Normally decisions made by the agency can be appealed to the higher body. State agencies are subordinate to one particular ministry, and appeals are made to the Minister.

As part of the parliamentary oversight and supervisory activities, Parliament has four independent agencies: the Auditor General of Norway, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, the Parliamentary Ombudsman (for Public Affairs), and the Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee.

Government agencies are often given names ending in directorate, inspectorate, administration (verk) or authority. Among the organisations organised as agencies are the universities and colleges. All government agencies are audited by the Office of the Auditor General of Norway. Municipalities and counties often divide their organization into etater, with only the central administration left in the core. Typically these agencies then are responsible for schools, healthcare, culture, etc.

Beispiele aus Textkorpus für état
1. At a time when class was still sacred (in the following quote, "état" means "status"), he wrote: "Without any état of my own, I‘ve known and lived in them all from lowest to highest, excepting only the throne." And yet today most regimes honor, often in the breach, his idea of the sovereignty of the people.
2. Such is the case in France as the public struggles to understand the full ňŔÓ and somewhat baroque ňŔÓ dimensions of its latest affaire d‘ état, which has become known as the Clearstream scandal.
3. The Senate was investigating her husband over his handling of election campaign funds, she had just faced a mutiny by troops and was assailed by rumours of an impending coup d‘ état.
4. The Clearstream scandal, named after the Luxembourg–based financial house cited in corruption allegations, is spiralling into a damaging affaire d‘ état, tarnishing the final year of Mr Chirac‘s rule and becoming an issue in the battle to succeed him.
5. In a reassuring nod towards Paris, he said a new government would not question the long–standing Franco–German partnership "it is part of our raison d‘ état" but would make it "more inclusive". "Germany has long had a privileged relationship with smaller EU member states.